Licensee Details
New Search
Bassam |
Afif |
028858 |
A2C Appraisals |
(650) 455-4531 |
258 Delmar Way |
San Mateo |
CA |
94403 |
San Mateo |
AR |
Active |
04/05/2024 |
04/04/2026 |
Full CE |
License History
License |
Status |
Start Date |
End Date |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2024 |
04/04/2026 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2022 |
04/04/2024 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2020 |
04/04/2022 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2018 |
04/04/2020 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2016 |
04/04/2018 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2014 |
04/04/2016 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2012 |
04/04/2014 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2010 |
04/04/2012 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
04/05/2008 |
04/04/2010 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
07/05/2006 |
04/04/2008 |
Residential |
Upgrade |
04/05/2006 |
04/04/2008 |
Residential |
Renewal |
04/28/2004 |
04/04/2006 |
Trainee |
Upgrade |
04/05/2004 |
04/04/2006 |
Trainee |
Initial |
04/05/2002 |
04/04/2004 |
Course History
Course History shown for January 1, 2013 and beyond. Contact BREA
for further history.
Completed Date |
Course Title |
Course Number |
12/22/2023 |
2024-2025 7-Hour National Uspap Update Course |
23CP167303191 |
01/09/2022 |
New Construction Essentials Luxury Homes |
19CP167303116 |
01/03/2022 |
Laws and Regulations for California Appraisers |
16CP167303080 |
12/21/2021 |
2022-2023 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course- Online |
21CP167303162 |
11/21/2021 |
Divorce and Estate Appraisals: Elements of Non-Lender Work |
16CP167303072 |
10/21/2021 |
Valuation of Residential Solar |
21CP167303148 |
09/05/2021 |
Appraiser Liability 101: Essential Concepts |
2010501022 |
08/03/2021 |
Depreciated Replacement Cost |
1910501017 |
07/04/2021 |
Sales Comparison Approach: A Course on Analysis and Reporting |
1710501005 |
06/15/2021 |
Selecting and Supporting Market Adjustments |
1710501004 |
05/30/2021 |
Public Records, Square Footage & the Real Estate Information Crisis |
1610501002 |
11/16/2019 |
2018-2019 7-Hour National Uspap Update Course |
17CP167303095 |
12/30/2017 |
Fannie Mae Appraisal Guidelines: Debunking the Myths |
16CP167303073 |
12/28/2017 |
Real Estate Interests and Land Use |
16CP828203012 |
12/25/2017 |
Federal and State Laws and Regulations |
16CP828203015 |
12/19/2017 |
Real Estate Markets and Metrics |
16CP828203014 |
12/05/2017 |
Economics for Appraisers |
12CP828203002 |
11/24/2017 |
2016-2017 7-Hour Equivalent Uspap Update Course |
15CP828203007 |
11/02/2017 |
Residential Property Inspection for Appraisers |
16CP167303075 |
07/27/2017 |
ANSI, Home Measurement and the Power of Price Per Square Foot |
1610501001 |
02/11/2017 |
Mold A Growing Concern |
1310000004 |
06/22/2016 |
How to Support and Prove Your Adjustments |
1610521002 |
10/28/2015 |
Online 2014-2015 7 hour National Uspap Update Course |
13CP167303017 |
11/20/2013 |
How to Analyze & Value Income Properties |
12167C164 |
11/17/2013 |
Laws and Regulations for California Appraisers |
12167C163 |
11/10/2013 |
Online 2014-2015 7 hour National Uspap Update Course |
13CP167303017 |
11/01/2013 |
Land and Site Valuation |
08167C187 |
10/05/2013 |
2 - 4 Family Finesse |
06167C167 |