Licensee Details
New Search
Michael |
Delaney |
028666 |
The Delaney Company |
(858) 254-9637 |
8139 Paseo Del Ocaso |
La Jolla |
CA |
92037 |
San Diego |
AR |
Expired |
02/01/2018 |
01/31/2020 |
License History
License |
Status |
Start Date |
End Date |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
02/01/2018 |
01/31/2020 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
02/01/2016 |
01/31/2018 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
02/01/2014 |
01/31/2016 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
02/01/2012 |
01/31/2014 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
02/01/2010 |
01/31/2012 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
02/01/2008 |
01/31/2010 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
02/01/2006 |
01/31/2008 |
Certified Residential |
Upgrade |
10/01/2004 |
01/31/2006 |
Residential |
Renewal |
02/01/2004 |
01/31/2006 |
Residential |
Upgrade |
05/07/2003 |
01/31/2004 |
Trainee |
Initial |
02/01/2002 |
01/31/2004 |
Course History
Course History shown for January 1, 2013 and beyond. Contact BREA
for further history.
Completed Date |
Course Title |
Course Number |
12/06/2017 |
Financing for Appraisers |
10828C024 |
12/02/2017 |
Federal and State Laws and Regulations |
16CP828203015 |
11/30/2017 |
Economics for Appraisers |
12CP828203002 |
11/29/2017 |
Creating Credible Appraisals |
10828C023 |
11/27/2017 |
Complex Residential Appraisal |
10828C022 |
11/03/2017 |
2016-2017 7-Hour Equivalent Uspap Update Course |
15CP828203007 |
01/14/2015 |
2014-2015 7 Hour National Uspap Update Course |
14CP346803008 |
08/22/2013 |
Residential Reporting: Hitting All of the Bases |
12346C127 |
08/01/2013 |
Residential Appraisal Review |
13CP346803001 |
07/25/2013 |
Residential Income Approach |
10346C107 |
07/18/2013 |
Appraising 2-4 Family & Multi- Family Properties |
11346C121 |
07/16/2013 |
7 Hour National Uspap Update Course 2012-2013 Edition |
12346C124 |