Licensee Details
New Search
Brit |
Coupens |
028825 |
Brit Coupens Appraisal |
(619) 922-4009 |
1215 Hueneme St Apt. A |
San Diego |
CA |
92110 |
San Diego |
AR |
Active |
03/27/2024 |
03/26/2026 |
Full CE |
License History
License |
Status |
Start Date |
End Date |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2024 |
03/26/2026 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2022 |
03/26/2024 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2020 |
03/26/2022 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2018 |
03/26/2020 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2016 |
03/26/2018 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2014 |
03/26/2016 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2012 |
03/26/2014 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2010 |
03/26/2012 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
03/27/2008 |
03/26/2010 |
Certified Residential |
Renewal |
06/28/2006 |
03/26/2008 |
Residential |
Upgrade |
03/27/2006 |
03/26/2008 |
Residential |
Renewal |
05/07/2004 |
03/26/2006 |
Trainee |
Upgrade |
03/27/2004 |
03/26/2006 |
Trainee |
Initial |
03/27/2002 |
03/26/2004 |
Course History
Course History shown for January 1, 2013 and beyond. Contact BREA
for further history.
Completed Date |
Course Title |
Course Number |
03/02/2024 |
2024-2025 7-Hour Equivalent Uspap Update Course |
2410000019 |
02/01/2022 |
2022-2023 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course- Live Webinar |
21CP167303168 |
03/15/2020 |
2020-2021 7-Hour Equivalent USPAP Update Course |
19CP323003032 |
02/28/2020 |
Victorian Era Architecture for Real Estate Professionals |
1410000005 |
02/27/2020 |
A Brief Historic Stroll Through America's Architectural Styles |
1310000003 |
02/23/2020 |
Construction Details From Concept to Completion |
1710000009 |
02/20/2020 |
Appraising Energy Efficient Residential Properties |
1710000008 |
02/13/2020 |
Environmental Hazards Impact on Value |
1210000001 |
02/09/2020 |
California Laws and Regulations for Appraisers |
1710000010 |
02/07/2020 |
FHA Site Inspection for Appraisers |
1610000007 |
02/07/2018 |
Financing for Appraisers |
10828C024 |
01/31/2018 |
Federal and State Laws and Regulations |
16CP828203015 |
01/29/2018 |
Economics for Appraisers |
12CP828203002 |
01/26/2018 |
Creating Credible Appraisals |
10828C023 |
01/11/2018 |
Complex Residential Appraisal |
10828C022 |
05/05/2017 |
2016-2017 7-Hour Equivalent Uspap Update Course |
15CP828203007 |
03/11/2016 |
2016-2017 7 Hour National Uspap Update Course |
15CP167303054 |
03/14/2014 |
Economics for Appraisers |
12CP828203002 |
03/10/2014 |
Creating Credible Appraisals |
10828C023 |
03/03/2014 |
Mold A Growing Concern |
1310000004 |
03/02/2014 |
FHA Site Inspection for Appraisers |
1210000002 |
02/25/2014 |
Environmental Hazards Impact on Value |
1210000001 |
02/24/2014 |
A Brief Historic Stroll Through America's Architectural Styles |
1310000003 |
11/19/2013 |
FHA for Today's Appraiser- Live Webinar |
13CP167303006 |
06/23/2013 |
Laws and Regulations for California Appraisers |
12167C161 |
06/23/2013 |
Introduction to Regression Analysis for Appraisers |
11167C142 |
06/22/2013 |
2012-2013 National Uspap Update Equivalent (7 hours) |
12167C155 |